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MMR Vaccine Injury

You may be eligible for compensation.

Learn how you can seek compensation for an injury or adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine.


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Do You Have An MMR Vaccine Injury?

Did you experience an injury or severe reaction after receiving the MMR vaccination?

Your injury could be linked to the vaccine. To learn how to seek legal action and compensation, we're here to help.

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But like any medical procedure, vaccines come with potential risks and side effects. Some mild reactions to the MMR Vaccine are usually normal. Including temporary pain at the injection site or a mild rash or fever. But sometimes, more severe MMR vaccine side effects do occur. Severe adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine include...

  • Seizure
  • Pain and stiffness of the joints
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Serious allergic reaction
  • Deafness or ear infection
  • Long-term seizures
  • Brain damage
  • Damage to the immune system
  • Other conditions

In severe cases, the MMR vaccine can cause serious reactions and injuries, including shoulder injuries, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis ("ADEM") or a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis. In rare cases, guillain-barré syndrome. If you or a loved one has suffered from an MMR vaccine injury, you may be entitled to compensation from a federal program called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

You Could Get Compensated
for Your Vaccine Injury

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program compensates individuals for injuries from vaccines like MMR.

Vaccine injuries are unfortunate, especially when they affect your child. If you or your young one experienced an injury from the MMR vaccine, we can help.

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How to Report an MMR Vaccine Injury

Be sure to contact your doctor right away if you’re experiencing symptoms of an MMR vaccine injury. After you receive care, we can help you file a claim with the vaccine injury compensation program (VICP). 

When you visit your doctor, ask them to file a report to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS website). This system documents vaccine injuries to improve vaccine safety in the future. Your report can also be used as evidence in your vaccine injury claim.

After you visit your doctor, contact us for help submitting your claim to the VICP and defending your case. We also help you file a VAERS report with your vaccine injury info if you haven’t completed this step yet.

Our team works with medical experts to build your case and help you get compensated. We’ve successfully represented thousands of clients, just like you, in the VICP.


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